Friday, March 20, 2015

Riding the Waves of the Steroid Crash

I thought things were going just a little too well. :-) Following my chemo session Monday I have been for the most part, well...pretty good. I'd forgot how good steroids make you feel. All of the chemically induced energy. Even a good appetite.A few side effects but nothing too terrible.
Pruned fingertips are a minor side effect. Accompanied by neuropathy it is bothersome.

Until last night. Now you're not allowed to stay on the steroids indefinitely because they also will suppress your bone marrow, not to mention wreck your kidneys. So they load you up on infusion day and you continue taking them at a lower dose for a few days afterward.

Then you must stop. That is the protocol. So around 3am when all the steroids had vanished I crashed. Then came the nausea and headache followed by wrenching dry heaves, diarrhea and stomach pains.

I'd experienced this same thing last time but like all bad things I'd conveniently forgot what it was like.
But now I steadfastly remind myself that this too will pass. I will manage. No I will do better than manage. I will count my lucky stars that I have this treatment. I am not out of options. I am blessed.


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